The Commands are the blue links located on the cards on the Location Information Panel. They provide users the ability to perform single property analysis, and gather more information on a property. Learn more about each command below.

Location Panel Commands

Tip: The commands are found throughout the cards on the Location Information panel. You may need to click 'More' to see the full list of available commands on a given card. Each card can be expanded on the location panel.


Add To List Adds the selected record to the results list for the layer

Adj. Lots Owned*** If the property owner owns adjacent lots, the number of lots and sum of their acreage will be shown in a blue link. Click the link to add the adjacent lots owned to a results list, and display on the map.

Bird's Eye Opens a bird's eye, or oblique, aerial image of the selected property in a separate window.
Note: Bird's Eye is available in most major metropolitan areas.

Copy Geometry Copies the selected record's geometry to another layer

Create Map Exhibit* Allows users to easily create a map exhibit of retail logos in the surrounding area

Design Cards Allows users the ability to specify the fields that display on the card. Formerly called Edit This Surface.

Edit Attributes Allows changes to the field attributes for the markup layer

Edit Geometry Allows the geometry of the selected feature to be edited, requires write access to the selected layer

Exclude Area Allows the geometry of the selected feature to be excluded from the search filter. An optional buffer can be applied around the feature to exclude a specified radius around the feature.

Document Images** Available as an add-on, allows users to access the Deed documents for properties.

Find Comparables Allows the user to choose a property and use the attributes of that property to find similar properties. This functionality works across county lines.

List Units Adds all additional records or units at the property to a list. This is an applicable command when there are multiple addresses or properties that are found on a master parcel. This is useful when researching shopping centers with a range of addresses or condos.

Measure / Lot Area Allows the selected feature to have measurements turn on or off. The measurement is static and will stay on that parcel until the command is clicked again.

Shared Documents Allows users to upload and share documents at a location, between everyone in their organization

Shared notes Allows users to write and share notes at a location, between everyone in their organization

Owner Lookup Selecting this option takes you to the website: which provides Owner information from the Secretary of State

Owner Portfolio* Adds all properties that share ownership to a list.

Property Detail Report Displays a printable report of the full property details

Search Area Allows the user to restrict the search to the selected property and an applied buffer, or radius, around the property.

Seller Lookup Selecting this option takes you to the website: which provides Seller information from the Secretary of State

Site Profile Report* Allows the user to create a customizable PDF report that includes various details of a property including transaction history, property details, demographics data (within a defined trade area, or drive time), and more

Tax Map** Available as an add on, this feature downloads an exact copy of the assessor tax map

Transaction History Opens a new page with the transaction history for the property, shows all recent arms length and non-arms length transfers

* = Command is only available in the LandVision Commercial Real Estate & Builder Developer Editions.
** = Command is available as a premium add-on. Contact your Account Manager for more info.
*** = Command is only available in the LandVision Builder Developer Edition.

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