The ability to convert static parcel labels to dynamic and modifiable markups speeds the process of presenting findings in LandVision™ and offers users greater flexibility in presenting information.

  • Turn on parcel labels
  • Select the polygon drawing tool from the Draw Toolbar and outline the set of parcels containing the parcel labels you’d like to convert to markups.
  • Right click within your outline and select the “Convert Labels to Markup” command.
  • To avoid duplication of parcel labels, it is advised that you turn off the regular parcel labels. Right click, select the “Parcel Labels” command and select “none” from the “Label Style” box.
  • To delete unwanted markup parcel labels, simply click on the label and hit the “Delete” key on your keyboard.
  • To format markup parcel labels, use the Formatting Toolbar and reference the instructions above.
  • To move markup parcel labels, click on the label to activate it and then drag it to your desired location.


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Digital Map will be covering these new features at the beginning of our webinars occurring every Monday.

If you have questions or problems using these new features, contact Digital Map's Customer Success Team at:

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