What is the dark red outline on the home map screen of CommunityView™?
The dark red outline visible from the home map is the municipal boundary. The municipal boundary defines the limits of the municipality and is useful for determining which properties lie within and outside the municipal limits.
How do I zoom in closer to a location or property on the map?
You can zoom in and out on the map in 4 different ways by using the Zoom Buttons, Mouse Wheel, Mouse Double Click Zoom In and Zoom to a Rectangle. Please see the User Guide Navigating In CommunityView™ section.
How to I move the map to a different location?
You can move the map in 2 ways. 1) Use the Mouse by left clicking on the map, holding it down and dragging the mouse until you get to your desired location, or 2) Click the 4 nudge bars on the perimeter of the map to move the map incrementally, left, right, up or down.
How can I quickly return to my original map?
You can return to the starting map view by clicking on the "Home" icon on the Toolbar.
I've clicked on the map, why doesn't the Information Balloon appear?
For the Information Balloon to appear for a given layer, you need to be able to see your layer of interest on the map. If the layer is not yet displayed on the map, continue to zoom the map until the layer appears. For example, for property information, you need to zoom in until you see the parcel boundaries.
How do I find a property or location?
There are two ways to find a property or location. On the Toolbar, use the Search Box to "Find a Location" by entering an address number and address name, street intersection, landmark, place or city into the Search Box. To initiate the search, either click on the Magnifying glass icon in the Toolbar or just "Enter" to begin the search.
The second method is to zoom in and pan the map until you find the property or location you are interested in and then click on the colored area, outline or point to view the Information Balloon which provides detailed information about that property or location.
When entering an address into the Search Box, do I need to include the city and state?
No. You do not need to include the city, state or zip code. You can just enter the address number and street name. If multiple locations are found, CommunityView™ will provide a list of options to select from.
Am I able to search for Points of Interest of Landmarks?
Yes, you can search for Points of Interest and Landmarks, such as Disneyland, Golden Gate Bridge and Parks. Enter the name of the Landmark or Point of Interest into the Search Box on the Toolbar and click on the magnifying glass or click "Enter" to begin the search.
Am I able to search for multiple properties and/or locations by entering multiple addresses in the Search Box?
No. You're only able to search for one property or location at a time in CommunityView™.
What is a layer and how do I turn on a themed layer in the Legend?
A layer is simply a set of related data that can be displayed on the map. Some examples of layers are: neighborhoods, property zoning, hiking trails, and historic sites. You can turn layers on and off and view multiple layers on the map at the same time.
To turn on a themed layer, first expand the specific group (e.g. Planning, Parks and Recreation, Education, etc.) that you are interested in by clicking on the "+" sign in the left of the group name in the Legend. Then click on one of the layers to turn on the layer in the map. Look for the check mark next to the layer to make sure the layer is turned on.
How do I find out what the different colors and symbols mean on the map?
The legend contains information about how the symbols and colors on the map represent the data being displayed. To view the legend for a particular layer on the map, click the arrow to the left of the layer name. A list will expand below the layer name with the layer's colors and symbols and the data categories they represent.
Am I able to move the Legend to an alternate location on the map?
Yes, you are able to move the Legend by grabbing (hold down left mouse click) the top of the Legend Window and moving it to your desired area on the map. You can also close the Legend window by clicking on the "x" in the upper right corner of the Legend window.
What does the exclamation point mean that is next to a layer in the Legend?
The exclamation point indicates that a layer is out of the map scale range and you need to zoom in closer to see the layer. Example: If an exclamation point appears next to the parcel layer in the Legend, zoom in closer until you see the property boundary appear. Then click on the property to see the information balloon appear, providing detailed information about that property.
How do I get additional information about a layer?
You can obtain additional information about a viewable layer by clicking one of the layer features (colored area, outline, or point) and pausing until the information balloon appears. Not all layers have additional information associated with them.
What are the sources of information displayed in CommunityView™?
The data and information in CommunityView™ comes from a variety of sources. The base map, high resolution aerial imagery, and bird's eye imagery are provided by Microsoft® Bing™. Parcel lines are sourced directly from the county. Data about a property is derived from the county tax rolls. Viewable layers such as Zoning, Home Owner's Association, Hiking Trails, Ecological Areas are created and maintained by the municipality.
How can I print an aerial image of my property?
There are two ways in which you can print an image of your property in CommunityView™. First, you zoom to the desired level on the map, center the map on your property of interest, and click the Print Icon on the toolbar. This generates a notification on the toolbar allowing you to open the image as a PDF which can be saved or printed directly from the browser. Alternatively, you can click or search to a property and in the balloon you can choose "options" which provides you a "Details Report" link. Choosing this link generates a report which includes information about the property as well as the map image of the property in a PDF document that you can print or save.
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