Local Government Help > FAQs

Below you will find the most commonly asked GovClarity questions. If you do not find the answer you need, please can contact customer support to speak with a team member for assistance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

How do I access GovClarity?

What do I do if I forget my password?

What happened to the parcel balloon?

What happened to the details balloon?

What are tooltips?

Where is the commands list?

Where are the zoom in/out buttons?

How do I administer and manage users?

How do I reset my password?

Why do parcel lines not display?

How do I add a note or a document to a parcel?

Where is the measure tool?

Data and Imagery

How often is the data updated?

How do I access our custom imagery?

How do I view a property in Google Earth?

Searches and Results Lists

How do I search by owner name?

How do I locate by Parcel Number/APN?

How do I limit my search to a specific area?

How do I zoom to rectangle?

How do I interact with the result list?

How do I extract data, e.g. fire hydrants?

Why are condos missing from the results list?

How do I modify the result list order and fields?


How do I print measurement labels on my map?

How do I print an identified property?

How do I prevent measurement label overlap?

Data Loader and Layers Panel

How do I upload a shapefile?

What does foreign key mean?

Why can’t I load an excel spreadsheet?

How do I upload addresses/coordinates?

How do I use the table loader?

How do I modify the layers panel?

Integrated Esri Feature Layers

How do I add layers from ArcGIS to GovClarity?

Create and Edit Markups

How do I delete a drawing?

How do I delete a site overlay?

What does target layer mean?

How do I delete everything in the markup layer?

Sharing Data

How do I create a new folder?

How do I share data with another person?

The folder I shared does not display

The person I shared my data with ?

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