LandVision™ Help > Documentation > Map Views
Creating Map Views enables you to consistently return to an area of the map with only the map layers, styles, and settings relevant to a specific project. Map Views are particularly useful for presentations. For example, add or remove layers in a Map View so that it displays only the information that you want to present.

Tip: You can create a different Map View for each of your clients and/or territories.

Map Views Overview

You can edit Map Views, save Map Views from one folder to another folder, and share them with members of your team. There is no limit to the number of Map Views that you can create. When you close LandVision™, your current Map View is auto-saved.

Each Map View includes these settings specific to it:
  • Map Extent and Zoom Level

  • Set of Layers in the Layers Panel, which include:
    • Layer Styles
    • Layers that are Turned On
    • Layers that are Identifiable
    • Target Layer

    (See Using the Layers Panel in Related Documents for information about layers.)

    When you log into LandVision™, the map screen displays the HOME Map View. HOME is the Map View set up by your Administrator.
    • You can use the HOME Map View like a template. Save a copy with a different name, and then modify it to meet your needs.

Opening Map Views

Here's how to open a Map View:
  1. Click the Open button Open Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Open Map Views window appears.

  2. Select the folder from the Folder drop-down list which contains your desired Map View.
    Note: Folders that you don't have permission to open are grayed out.

  3. Select your desired Map View in the Available list.

  4. Click OK. The Map View opens in LandVision™.
Map Views Open

Saving Map Views

This section describes how to save:
  • New Map Views (See the section above, Map Views Overview, for a list of the specific settings that are saved.)
  • Existing Map Views: Save an existing Map View from one folder to another folder.
Here's how to save a new Map View:
  1. Click the Save button Save Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Save As... window appears.

  2. Perform the following in the Save As... window:
    • Folder: Select the folder in which you'd like to save the Map View, such as the USER folder.
    • Name: Enter your desired name for the Map View.
    • Click OK to save the Map View.
      Tip: Saving Map Views to your USER folder allows you to make adjustments to the Map View before copying it to the SHARE folder for members of your team to view it.

  3. Open your saved Map View to use it.
    • Your Map View does not automatically open in LandVision™ after you save it. See the section above, Opening Map Views, for instructions.
LandVision Map Views Save
Here's how to save an existing Map View from one folder to another folder:
  1. Click the Open button Open Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Open Map Views window appears.

  2. Perform the following in the window:
    • Folder: Select the folder which contains the Map View that you'd like to save to another folder.
    • Available list: Select your desired Map View.
    • Click OK. Your selected Map View opens in LandVision™.

  3. Click the Save button Save Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Save As... window appears.

  4. Perform the following in the Save As... window:
    • Folder: Select the folder in which you'd like to save the Map View.
    • Name: This field automatically displays the name of the Map View that you selected in the other folder. If desired, change the Map View name.
    • Click OK.

  5. Open your saved Map View to use it.
    • Your Map View does not automatically open in LandVision™ after you save it. See the section above, Opening Map Views, for instructions.
Map Views Open User

Map Views Layers Panel Save

Map Views Save As To Share

Sharing Map Views

Here's how to share a Map View:
  1. Save your desired Map View to the SHARE folder. See the section above, Saving Map Views, for instructions.

  2. Instruct one or more LandVision™ users to:
    1. Click the Open button Open Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Open Map Views window appears.
    2. Select SHARE from the Folder drop-down list in the window.
    3. Select your Map View in the Available list.
    4. Click OK. The Map View opens in LandVision™.
      Note: The users that open your shared Map View can make additional changes to the Map View and either overwrite the changes or save them with a different name.

Restoring the HOME Map View

This section describes how to restore your HOME Map View saved in your USER folder with the default version of the HOME Map View in the PRODUCTION folder.
  1. Click the Open button Open Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Open Map Views window appears.

  2. Perform the following in the window:
    • Folder: Select the PRODUCTION folder from the drop-down list.
    • Available list: Select HOME.
    • Click OK.

  3. Click the Save button Save Button at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Save As... window appears.

  4. Ensure that the following entries are in the Save As... window:
    • Folder: USER
    • Name: HOME

  5. Click OK. A window appears to confirm that you'd like to overwrite HOME.

  6. Click OK on the confirmation window.
    • Your USER folder now includes the default version of the HOME Map View.
Map Views Open

Map Views Open Production

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